Outreach and Transition Services

This program offers a wide range of support to women in the community who are experiencing abuse, have left abusive relationships recently or in the past, or who are considering leaving. There is no charge for service and childcare and interpreters can be arranged when necessary

The Transitional and Legal Support Program does not offer legal advice and is not intended to replace advice from a lawyer.

Our Services:

Transitional Support

Risk assessment and safety planning for you and your children

Connect with shelter if you need a place to stay

Help finding a new place

Help getting financial support

Accompaniment, advocacy and referrals to social services, housing providers and community agencies

Legal Support

Risk assessments and safety planning, especially related to court appearances

Advocacy and information about family law procedures, processes and paperwork

Assistance with recording the history of abuse for court documentation

Referrals and advocacy with specialized services and community supports

Accompaniment to family court proceedings and lawyers appointments

Debriefing and discussing court outcomes

Referral for two-hour free legal consultation

Help with Criminal Injuries Compensation