I need help

You don’t have to be hit to be hurt. You don’t have to leave to get help. You don’t have to be in crisis to call.

If you need information, help or shelter from abuse, call our 24-Hour Support 705 444 2511 or 1-800 265 2511 . My Friend’s House counsellors will spend some time getting to know what is happening for you and provide the assistance you need. Your call is confidential and you don’t have to give your name. We understand the first call is a big step for you. We are here to help.

Safety at Home

If you are living with your abusive partner:

  • Get your Emergency Escape Plan in order and review it often.
  • Create a list of telephone numbers including local police, nearest women’s shelter, Assaulted Women’s Help Line, family members, friends, counsellors, children’s friends, etc.
  • Make arrangements with friends or family so that you can stay with them if necessary.
  • If you have call display on your phone, be careful about who can access stored numbers (such as the last number you dialed or received a call from).
  • Consider a plan for the safety and wellbeing of your pet(s) such as making arrangements with friends or family.

If you are not living with your abusive partner:

  • Instruct your family and friends not to tell anyone where you are or how to contact you.
  • Change the locks on the doors, windows, garage and mailbox.
  • Install a peephole in the door that your children can see through as well. If possible, install an alarm system.
  • Keep doors and windows locked at all times.
  • Have a pre-recorded anonymous message on your telephone answering service rather than your own voice and do not identify yourself by name.
  • Carry a cell phone and a personal alarm.
  • If your partner violates the protection order or is threatening you in any way, immediately call the police to report the violation.
  • Make sure that the school, day care, and police have a copy of all court orders, including restraining orders, custody and access orders, as well as a picture of the abusive partner.
  • Request the police to put a “premise history” on your address on file. This will provide additional information and security for officers responding to your call and alert them.
  • Tell your neighbours that you would like them to call the police if they hear a fight or screaming in your home.

Safety at Work

  • Tell your boss/colleague of your situation, ask that they refrain from giving anyone personal information about you, and show them a picture of your abuser.
  • Use your voicemail to screen calls or request that calls from your ex-partner are screened.
  • Request that emails are blocked.
  • Enter and leave work with a colleague.
  • Let someone know when you’ll be home and when to expect you to arrive at work, and that you will call them when you have safely arrived.
  • If you are walking, take a route that is populated and well-lit.
  • Carry your car keys in your hand and be aware of your surroundings.
  • If your partner is following you, drive to the police station.

Online Safety

  • Create strong, safe passwords
  • When using the computer, be aware that your abuser may track the websites you have visited. For information on staying safe online go here to (http://www.women.gov.on.ca/owd/english/about/tracks.shtml)
  • Do not share personal information.
  • Block unwanted people from online social networking
  • Take measures to avoid identity theft.