Linda's Story

Linda felt like she couldn’t do anything right and began isolating herself from friends and family.

Linda has lived in the Wasaga Beach area most of her life. She has been married to Rick since her early 20’s and he had always been aggressive and sometimes abusive. While they raised their three children, Linda took on most of the workload at home, while also working full-time herself at a local retirement home. Rick worked in construction and was gone long days.  

In her late 40’s, Linda experienced a workplace accident that put her on Long-Term Disability.  Because of that, Linda was home all day in their very modest home and not able to keep up. Rather than supporting her through her injuries and the mental health struggles that came with it, Rick’s abuse worsened. Linda felt like she couldn’t do anything right and began isolating herself from friends and family. This had continued for almost 20 years. 

Linda’s mental health had continually declined, in addition to her personal hygiene and the desire to do anything most days. Rick’s abuse had turned physical years ago – often hitting her when she did something he didn’t like or kicking her leg that was still not very functional from her injury. He also restricted when she could access food in the kitchen, had her sleep in a separate bedroom, told her when she could turn on lights in the house and use their TV. He also managed all their finances. She felt controlled in every aspect of her life.

It wasn’t until Linda went to see her family doctor for a medical issue that she was asked if she was safe at home. She had never really been asked that before and it didn’t take her very long to say no – she did not feel safe. The doctor knew that the team at My Friend’s House was offering counselling in Wasaga Beach that day and was utilizing some space on the floor above. He was able to send Linda to the amazing counsellors at My Friend’s House very quickly and they could address the state she was in. 

The counsellors asked Linda if she wanted to stay where she was living, or if she wanted to seek help to create a better life. Linda was scared, as she felt she hadn’t really known anything different and wasn’t sure she deserved anything better.  With some encouragement, she decided that she did want to leave.

Linda feels hopeful and happy, and is indebted to her doctor for pushing her to make a life-changing decision.

Knowing Rick controlled all of her movements, Linda booked a follow-up appointment with her family doctor the following week. Instead of going to that doctor’s appointment, she went straight to the women from My Friend’s House who were able to immediately transport her to the safety of the shelter in Collingwood. 

Since Linda has been staying with My Friend’s House, she has pressed formal charges against Rick, and she’s engaged in mental health supports with our Wellness Coordinator that is helping her feel like herself again and pushing her to take care of herself. She is now working to mend the relationship with one of her daughters, who had cut off ties when she’d witnessed the violence her Mom endured and had always told her Mom she couldn’t forgive her unless she decided to leave her Dad. Linda feels hopeful and happy, and is indebted to her doctor for pushing her to make a life-changing decision.

